2024 event: Itinerant scientific outreach from Padova to Cadarache

An event born in Consorzio RFX with the collaboration of ITER Organization: a group of scientists, researchers, technicians, students travelling by bike from Padova, Italy to Cadarache, Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, France, speaking about science and clean energy.

The initiative is made possible thanks to the help of:


Assicurazioni Generali, Agenzia di Padova Pedrocchi


Brembana & Rolle

Centro Ricerche Fusione

Consorzio Create

SAES Getter

STC Filters

The group is leaving Tuesday, September, 10, at 9:00 from Palazzo Bo / Palazzo Moroni: you are welcome to join as for a good bye or to bike with us for some kilometers!

Padova – Ostiglia,
September, 10

The first stage, about 98km, starts from Padova just in front of Palazzo Bo, the historical palace of University of Padova, and will get us to Ostiglia, a beautiful city, intersection of 2 important cycle routes: 

Ostiglia – Cremona,
September, 11

The path from Ostiglia onward follows the Po river to Cremona, 113km. Near San Benedetto Po we reach Eurovelo 7 (the Sun Route), which intersects with Eurovelo 8. This is an international crossing point for two major European bike routes: Eurovelo 8, running west to east, and Eurovelo 7, running north to south.

Cremona – Piacenza,
September, 12

The 3rd stage follows the right bank of the Po river for 44km, up to Piacenza: a beautiful bike path between the river and the countryside that passes next to the decommissioned Caorso nuclear power plant.

Polo territoriale di Piacenza, September, 12

Event in Polo territoriale di Piacenza, one of the sites of the Politecnico di Milano.

Focus of the event are Women and Men for ITER: the lives, aspirations and personal commitment of fusion workers

Piacenza – Pavia,
September, 13

68km on the right bank of the River Po along Eurovelo 8 and VenTo.

Pavia – Asti,
September, 14

Asti – Cuneo,
September, 15

Pavia, September, 13

MTE Museum of Electrical Technology: 65 years of fusion technology in Italy – from ETA-BETA to the contribution to ITER

Ventimiglia – Cannes,
September, 16

Stage 7: see the preview of the track created with Google Earth

Cannes – Toulon, September, 17

Stage 8

Toulon – Marseille, September, 18

Stage 9

Marseille – ITER, September, 19

Stage 10 – our final destination